Top 8 Best Cheese for Ooni Pizza in 2024

The best cheeses for Ooni Pizza are Mozzarella and Provolone. These two cheeses melt beautifully, creating a creamy, flavorful topping that complements the crisp crust.

As a pizza enthusiast, I’ve spent countless hours experimenting with different cheeses to find the perfect blend for Ooni Pizza. The journey wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

The challenge lies in the fact that not all cheeses are created equal. Some melt too quickly, others don’t, and some can burn before your pizza is fully cooked.

But don’t worry; I’ve done the hard work for you. Discuss using various cheeses effectively to create a mouthwatering Ooni Pizza. So, grab your apron. It’s time to make some delicious pizza.

8 Best Cheese for Ooni Pizza

Best Cheese for Ooni Pizza

Embarking on the quest to find the perfect cheese for Ooni Pizza is like stepping into a world of culinary adventure. The choice among many types of cheese is all that matters.

It’s not just about the taste but also how it melts, texture, and harmonizes with your other toppings. So, tighten your apron and prepare your taste buds as we begin this flavorful expedition.

1. Mozzarella 

Mozzarella cheese, a beloved classic, is a top choice for Ooni Pizza. This cheese comes in various forms, offering a unique twist to your pizza. Let’s delve into these different types and how to best use them on your Ooni Pizza:

  • Buffalo-style Mozzarella: Mozzarella di bufala is known for its creamy and slightly tangy flavor. This cheese melts into a beautiful, gooey layer. It pairs well with various toppings, adding a rich taste to your Ooni Pizza.
  • Low-moisture Mozzarella: This version of mozzarella has a longer shelf life and a saltier flavor. It melts smoothly and evenly, making it a reliable choice for a consistently delicious Ooni pizza.
  • Fresh Mozzarella: This cheese brings a creamy, milky flavor to your pizza. Use fresh mozzarella to melt into thick, luscious pools. It provides a delightful contrast to the crisp crust of an Ooni Pizza.
  • Pre-grated Mozzarella: A convenient option that saves time and melts quickly and evenly. It’s perfect for those who want a quick and easy way to achieve a cheesy, delicious pizza.
  • Milk Mozzarella: This whole milk mozzarella is made from cow’s milk and has a mild, delicate flavor. This creamy cheese melts beautifully, adding a soft cheese affects to your pizza.

Each type of mozzarella offers something unique to your Ooni Pizza. Don’t hesitate to experiment and find your perfect cheesy match.

2. Provolone

Provolone cheese is another excellent choice for your Ooni Pizza. This semi-hard Italian cheese is known for its smooth texture and mild, slightly tangy flavor. It melts beautifully. It creates a gooey, flavorful layer that complements the pizza’s other toppings.

When using Provolone on your Ooni Pizza, consider slicing it thinly to ensure even melting. It pairs wonderfully with various toppings.

Use it from traditional tomato and basil for more adventurous combinations like prosciutto and arugula. It balances its distinctive flavor with your other ingredients, creating a harmonious blend of tastes on your pizza.

3. Fontina

Fontina cheese could be your secret weapon to make a perfect Ooni Pizza. This Italian gem, known for its rich and creamy texture, could be your pizza’s star ingredient.

Fontina is renowned for its exceptional melting qualities. The result is a gooey, velvety layer that can elevate your Ooni pizza.

Try scattering small chunks across the pizza base. The heat of the Ooni will do the rest, turning the Fontina into a blanket of creamy goodness.

But that’s not all. Fontina’s subtle, nutty flavor can add depth and complexity to your pizza. Pair it with solid toppings like caramelized onions or spicy sausage.

Then, the Fontina will balance out their intensity. It ensures every bite of your pizza is harmoniously flavorful.

Don’t overpower your pizza with too much Fontina. And always opt for quality. A high-grade Fontina will have a more refined flavor and smoother texture. So next time you fire up your Ooni, don’t forget the Fontina.

4. Gouda

When making an Ooni pizza, choosing the right cheese can make all the difference. And among all the options, Gouda stands out as a champion.

Its buttery, slightly sweet flavor, which only deepens when melted, offers an unparalleled richness to your Ooni pizza.

Not all Gouda cheeses are made equal, though. With its mild taste and softer texture, the young Gouda melts beautifully. It gives your pizza a smooth and creamy finish. The aged Gouda has a more complex texture and intense flavor.

It adds a delightful crunch and a sharp edge to your pizza. Strike a balance by using a combination of both.

Use Gouda with other cheeses like mozzarella for an enhanced flavor profile. Grate your Gouda finely for even melting. Scatter it across the pizza base. Then layer with mozzarella.

This dynamic duo can beautifully harmonize the flavors of your toppings. It can make every bite of your Ooni pizza an indulgent experience.

5. Cheddar

Think Cheddar is just for sandwiches? Think again. This versatile cheese has the flavor punch and melting prowess to bring new dimensions to your Ooni pizza.

It has a distinct sharpness and smooth melting quality. Cheddar creates an inviting cheese pull that is hard to resist. When used on your Ooni pizza oven, it adds a robust flavor and a delightful, golden, bubbly crust.

Sprinkle it generously on the pizza base before adding your favorite toppings. Remember to mix finely grated and chunkier pieces for a varied texture.

But there’s more to Cheddar than just flavor and texture. It offers impressive pairing versatility too.

Cheddar can add great flavor to any toppings, whether sweet caramelized onions, spicy peppers, or zesty bell peppers. It adds flavor and makes the pizza peel taste better.

Finally, be picky about your Cheddar. An aged, high-quality Cheddar will give you a more intense flavor and superior melt. So, give Cheddar a chance on your next Ooni pizza. 

6. Ricotta

A creamy, mild Italian cheese, Ricotta can add a delightful twist to your pizza. It has a unique texture and flavor that sets it apart. Its creamy consistency adds a lusciousness to your pizza you can’t get from other cheeses.

Instead of grating, dollop small spoonfuls of Ricotta across your pizza base before adding your favorite toppings. You’ll be rewarded with pockets of creamy goodness that burst with every bite.

The mild flavor of Ricotta makes it a canvas that takes on the flavor of the ingredients it’s paired with. Think bold toppings like tangy sun-dried tomatoes or smoky bacon. You’ll see how Ricotta can help balance the intensity of flavors on your pizza.

Lastly, quality matters with Ricotta too. Fresh, high-quality Ricotta cheese will give you a creamier texture and a cleaner taste.

7. Feta cheese

If you’re an Ooni pizza lover looking to experiment with flavors, try Feta cheese. Feta, a salty Greek cheese, has a distinctive tangy flavor and crumbly texture that can bring a Mediterranean flair to your pizza.

But not all Feta is created equal. Choose a high-quality Feta for the best flavor – it should be tangy but not too salty.

Unlike most other cheeses, Feta doesn’t melt completely. It retains some of its crumbly texture even when heated. To use Feta on your Ooni pizza, crumble it over the pizza after you’ve added your base layer of sauce.

The result will be delightful pockets of tangy creaminess that complement the other ingredients on your pizza.

Feta’s bold flavor makes it a great pair with sweet or earthy toppings. Try it with sweet caramelized onions, sun-dried tomatoes, or earthy spinach. Then, you can watch the flavors come alive.

8. Muenster

Muenster is a creamy, mild cheese not often seen on pizzas but could become your new favorite. You must keep an eye on quality. Real, natural Muenster will yield a more satisfying flavor and creamier melt than processed variants.

Muenster is best known for its smooth, meltable quality. It can turn your Ooni pizza into a cheese lover’s dream. It spreads evenly, creating a velvety layer of cheese that can make every bite an indulgence.

Just scatter evenly sliced pieces across your pizza base, and it transforms under the heat of your Ooni.

But Muenster isn’t just about texture. Its mild flavor makes it a versatile pairing partner. Muenster can add flavor with spicy jalapeños, smoky bacon, or sweet peppers. It doesn’t make the food too spicy, smoky, or sweet.

Best Way to Cook Cheese On an Ooni Pizza

Best Cheese for Ooni Pizza - Best Way to Cook Cheese On an Ooni Pizza

You’ve got your Ooni pizza oven fired up, your pizza dough stretched out, and your toppings ready. Now comes the crucial part. That is getting that cheese perfectly melted and bubbly on your pizza. Follow these simple steps to achieve cheesy perfection:

  • Use Freshly Grated Cheese: Always use freshly grated cheese instead of pre-shredded. The latter often contains additives that can affect the melting and taste. Freshly grated cheese melts better and tastes better. Overall, it improves your pizza experience.
  • Even Cheese Distribution: Next, ensure the cheese is evenly distributed on your pizza. This allows for uniform melting and avoids creating spots that are overly cheesy or lacking in cheese.
  • Don’t Overload: Don’t overload your pizza with too much cheese. While it might seem tempting, too much cheese can lead to a soggy pizza. Because the cheese releases moisture while melting. A good rule of thumb is about 1.5 to 2 ounces of cheese for a 12-inch pizza.
  • Preheat Your Oven: Preheat your Ooni pizza oven to the right temperature before putting in your pizza. For most pizzas, this is around 700-800 degrees Fahrenheit. This ensures the cheese melts perfectly without burning or becoming rubbery.
  • Monitor Pizza While Cooking: Keep a close eye on your pizza as it cooks. Rotate it every 30 seconds to ensure the cooking and melting of the cheese. Once you see the cheese bubbling and starting to turn golden brown. It’s time to remove the pizza from the oven.

Follow these steps to create a pizza with perfectly melted, golden, bubbly, and gooey cheese every time. Enjoy your Ooni pizza cooking adventure.

Tips for Choosing Cheeses for Ooni Pizza

Best Cheese for Ooni Pizza - Tips for Choosing Cheeses for Ooni Pizza

Choosing the right cheese for your Ooni pizza can change your pizza game. It can add a delightful flavor and transform your homemade pizza into a masterpiece. Here are some handy tips for selecting the perfect cheese:

  1. Assess Melting Properties: Look for cheeses that melt evenly to achieve a creamy, gooey texture. Mozzarella, Fontina, and Provolone are renowned for their superior melting abilities.
  2. Evaluate Flavor: The flavor of the cheese should complement your other ingredients. Mozzarella and Fontina are versatile and pair well with most toppings. But consider distinctive-tasting cheeses like Gorgonzola or sharp Cheddar for a unique twist.
  3. Consider Texture: Remember, soft cheeses melt faster and more easily than hard ones. If using a hard cheese like Parmesan, try grating it. And add it towards the end of the cooking process.
  4. Opt for Freshly Grated: Freshly grated cheese melts better than pre-shredded varieties. Which may contain anti-caking agents.
  5. Keep It Balanced: Too much cheese can result in a soggy pizza. Keep your toppings balanced for the best result.
  6. Experiment: Don’t be afraid to mix and match. Combining different cheeses can add depth and complexity to your pizza.
  7. Quality Matters: High-quality cheese can elevate the flavor of your pizza significantly. Invest in the best cheese you can afford.
  8. Health Aspects: If you’re health-conscious, consider lower-fat cheese options. But remember, it’s all about balance. A little bit of full-fat cheese can go a long way for flavor.


How much cheese should I use on my Ooni pizza?

Around 1 to 1.5 cups of shredded cheese for a 12-inch pizza should suffice. It is the best ratio. However, the amount of cheese you use on your Ooni pizza can vary based on personal preference. But a good rule of thumb is to aim for a balanced cheese ratio to other toppings. Too much cheese can make your pizza soggy, while too little might leave you wanting more.

Can I use pre-shredded cheese on my Ooni pizza?

Yes, you can use pre-shredded cheese on your Ooni pizza. However, remember that pre-shredded cheese often contains anti-caking agents that can affect how it melts. For the best results, consider grating your cheese. It melts more evenly and gives your pizza a fresher taste.

What are some other toppings that go well with cheese on Ooni pizza?

The beauty of pizza is its versatility. You can pair cheese with a variety of toppings. Traditional options include pepperoni, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, and olives. For a gourmet twist, try prosciutto, arugula, or even figs. Remember, try to balance flavors and not overload the pizza.

What kind of cheese do you use for Ooni pizza?

Cheese for your Ooni pizza can significantly influence its taste and texture. Mozzarella is the best choice due to its excellent melting properties and mild flavor. However, you can also experiment with other cheeses like Provolone and fontina. You also can try a blend of different cheeses for a unique flavor profile.


Finding the best cheese for your Ooni pizza is a delicious adventure. The type of cheese you choose can genuinely transform your pizza.

It can make it from good to great. Mozzarella remains a classic favorite. But don’t shy away from experimenting with other cheeses like Provolone or Fontina.

Remember, balance is everything. You should balance it in flavors, quantity, and melt. But the most essential ingredient? Your creativity.

So, fire up that Ooni kada, and let your cheese of choice lead the way to pizza perfection.

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