12 Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza (2024)

The crown jewel of New York Style pizza is undoubtedly mozzarella cheese. Its creamy texture and exquisite flavor elevate your pizza experience is simply gorgeous.

A pizza’s perfect balance of crispy crust, flavorful sauce, and cheese is a symphony of taste. But today, let’s zero in on the cheese. Specifically, the best cheese for New York-style pizza.

I’ve spent years experimenting with various kinds of cheese in my kitchen, and I’m here to share my findings with you.

The quest for the perfect cheese isn’t just about taste. It’s about how it melts, complements the sauce, and brings the entire pizza together. And let’s face it. Not all cheeses are created equal in taste. It’s a culinary journey.

So, grab a slice and come along, and I will share my experience and knowledge about cheese.

What Are The Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza?

What Are The Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza

The best cheese for your pizza depends on your personal preference. So, don’t be afraid to experiment until you find your perfect cheesy match. Here I will discuss the 12 best New York-style pizzas.

1. Mozzarella Cheese: The Classic Choice

Mozzarella Cheese

Mozzarella cheese is a tried-and-true classic for New York Pizza. It offers a delicate balance of creaminess and tang. Its versatility and exceptional melting characteristics make it an undeniable part of the pizza.

But did you know there’s more than one type of mozzarella to consider? Let’s learn how to use each type on your pizza.

  • Low-Moisture Mozzarella: The Traditional Favorite. This variant is the most common choice for pizza. Its low moisture content means it melts beautifully without turning your pizza into a soggy mess. Slice it thin and distribute it evenly across your pizza before baking.
  • Part-Skim Low-Moisture Mozzarella: The Health-Conscious Choice. This cheese has a lower fat content. But doesn’t compromise the melt or flavor. Shred it on the pizza to get a distinct cheesy bite. Use it in a generous amount.
  • Whole-Milk Low-Moisture Mozzarella: The Rich Indulgence. This type of mozzarella is all about the creamy, rich flavor. Use it sparingly for a luxurious treat. You can also combine it with low-moisture mozzarella to balance taste and texture.

2. Provolone Cheese: The Flavorful Contender

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Provolone Cheese

With a rich history and distinctive flavor, Provolone cheese has earned its place as a flavorful contender on New York-style pizza.

Provolone is a semi-hard cheese of Italian origin and offers a unique taste and texture that can elevate the pizza experience.

  • Balanced flavor: Provolone cheese has a well-rounded flavor that can enhance the overall taste of your pizza. Its mildly sharp taste pairs well with the tangy tomato sauce, balancing your palate.
  • Perfect melt: Provolone melts beautifully, providing a smooth, creamy texture. It complements the crispy crust of New York-style pizza.
  • Versatility: Provolone can be combined with other cheeses like mozzarella. It creates a more complex flavor with it.
  • Cooking tip: Shred your Provolone cheese evenly on your pizza. You will get a melty cheesy delight with every bite.
  • Health Benefits: 
    • Provolone is a good source of protein, promoting muscle growth and recovery.
    • It is rich in calcium, which is essential for bone health.
    • It contains phosphorus, which works with calcium to strengthen bones and teeth.
    • Provolone offers a supply of vitamin A. It supports eye health and boosts the immune system.

3. Grande Cheese: The Quality Standard

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Grande Cheese

Grande Cheese is an exceptional choice for crafting New York Style Pizza. Its rich flavor and perfect reliability make it an excellent choice for this pizza style. It imparts a full-bodied, savory taste.

It complements a New York Style Pizza’s tangy sauce and crispy crust. Grande Cheese ensures a creamy, smooth layer that enhances every bite.

One of the joys of pizza is the cheese pull, which delivers that iconic stretchiness. Granade cheese fulfills that requirement easily. Add Grande Cheese midway through your pizza’s baking time. It will maximize flavor and prevent over-browning.

4. Romano Cheese: The Piquant Touch

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Romano Cheese

Romano Cheese is an Italian cheese. It’s known for its sharp and salty flavor, which can substantially impact New York Style Pizza. It has a robust, sharp, and slightly salty flavor.

So, it can intensify and balance the other ingredients on your pizza. Here are some reasons why and tips on how you can use it:

  • Texture: It’s less creamy than other cheeses. But its granular texture can add an exciting mouthfeel to your pizza.
  • Melting property: Romano Cheese melts well but doesn’t become overly gooey, which can offer a nice contrast to other, more meltable cheeses.
  • Cooking tip: Try combining Romano Cheese with a more creamy cheese like mozzarella for the best results. You will get a perfect blend of texture and flavor.

Let’s take a glance at the nutritional benefits of Romano Cheese:

ProteinAids in tissue repair and growth
CalciumContributes to bone health
Vitamin B12Supports nerve function and energy production

5. Parmesan Cheese: The Nutty Nuance

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan cheese, hailing from Italy, is a hard, granulated cheese with a piquant and slightly nutty taste.

The New York pizza slice, characterized by its thin, crispy crust and ample cheese topping, is well complemented by the tangy hint Parmesan provides.

Parmesan cheese isn’t traditionally the main cheese in a New York pizza – that title goes to mozzarella. However, Parmesan is often used as a flavorful finishing touch. 

  • How to use: After baking the pizza with a layer of tomato sauce and mozzarella, add a generous sprinkle of finely grated Parmesan. It adds a layer of complexity and enhances the overall flavor without overpowering the original ingredients.
  • Cooking tips: Cooking with Parmesan requires some care due to its lower moisture content. It can become tough and chewy if exposed to high heat for too long. Therefore, add it near the end of the baking. Even after the pizza comes out of the oven can help maintain its texture and flavor.

6. Cheddar Cheese: The Bold Statement

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Cheddar Cheese

Originating from the English village of Cheddar, Cheddar cheese is a semi-hard, off-white, or orange cheese, if spices are added. It is known for its smooth and creamy texture.

Its flavor is typically mellow but can range from mild to extra sharp. Cheddar isn’t the most traditional cheese for a New York-style pizza.

But its unique characteristics can add an exciting twist to your slice.

Cooking tips for you: There are a few tips for using Cheddar in your pizza. 

  • First, use it sparingly. Cheddar has a strong flavor. So try not to overwhelm the other ingredients. Blend it with mozzarella to maintain that authentic pizza cheese pull.
  • Consider the sharpness of the Cheddar. A medium Cheddar could provide a nice balance without being too assertive.
  • Due to its higher fat content, Cheddar can become oily when melted. So it’s best combined with other cheeses to counterbalance this.

7. Asiago Cheese: The Robust Option

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Asiago Cheese

Asiago cheese, named after a region in Italy, is nutty and tangy. It can be smooth, creamy, crumbly, and hard depending on the aging process.

It might not be the first cheese that comes to mind when considering a New York-style pizza. But its unique flavor makes it an exciting choice for a pizza topping.

Using Asiago brings a pleasantly tangy, slightly sharp flavor to your pizza. It melts wonderfully. However, the key to effectively using Asiago is to balance its flavors with other toppings.

  • How to use: Use it with a milder cheese like mozzarella. The mellow flavor of mozzarella can temper the boldness of Asiago. It creates a harmonious blend of tastes on your pizza. Alternatively, use it as a finishing cheese. Sprinkle it on top of the pizza after baking for flavor.
  • Aging factor: When choosing Asiago, remember that the flavor intensifies with age. Fresh Asiago, known as ‘Asiago Pressato,’ is milder and creamier. It is perfect for a mellow hint of flavor. On the other hand, an aged ‘Asiago d’allevo‘ can provide a more pronounced, piquant touch. 

8. Fontina Cheese: The Creamy Sophisticate

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Fontina Cheese

Fontina cheese, originating from Italy’s Aosta Valley, is semi-soft. It is known for its earthy, woody flavor and exceptional melting qualities. Regarding NY Style Pizza, it is a delightful topping for its creamy, rich taste.

  • Is Fontina a good option: The main appeal lies in its extraordinary meltability. It spreads evenly across the pizza. It creates a rich, gooey layer that amplifies the taste. Its subtly sweet and nutty flavor adds complexity to pizza.
  • Some tips: Fontina has a rich taste and high-fat content. So it’s best used in moderation. Blend it with a milder cheese like mozzarella. It will balance a harmonious blend of flavors. Additionally, Fontina is more sensitive to heat than other cheeses. So adding it midway through baking is good. It will prevent it from burning.

9. Gouda Cheese: The Dutch Delight

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Gouda Cheese

Gouda, a Dutch cheese named after the city of Gouda in the Netherlands, is a semi-hard cheese. It has a rich, creamy, and slightly sweet flavor. It is an exciting choice for a New York Style Pizza topping to add a fresh twist.

Why Gouda? Its unique taste is the main draw. The unique flavor of Gouda can add a depth of flavor to your pizza. It also can create a subtle taste profile different from the more common mozzarella.

Additionally, Gouda melts well, leading to a creamy and smooth topping. It complements the crispy thin crust of a New York York-style pizza.

It’s best to use it with other milder cheeses like mozzarella. It will create a harmonious blend of flavors. Aged Gouda has a more intense flavor. While younger, Gouda is milder and creamier. Choose the one that best suits your preference.

10. Monterey Jack Cheese: The Gentle Balance

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Monterey Jack Cheese

Monterey Jack is a semi-hard American cheese known for its mild flavor and exceptional melting properties.

It can add a velvety richness to your New York pie. It’s not the most conventional choice. But it’s popular among those seeking a mellow, creamy alternative to more pungent cheeses.

So, why should you consider Monterey Jack for your pizza? Primarily, its excellent melting quality makes it a winner. It creates a delightful layer of creaminess without overpowering other flavors.

Use Monterey Jack sensibly. Its soft, mild flavor pairs well with stronger, more pungent cheeses. Mixing it with a sharper cheese like Parmesan can create a balance of flavors.

It’s a cheese that melts quickly. Adding it towards the end of the baking process is advisable. It will prevent it from becoming too runny or oily.

11. Ricotta Cheese: The Smooth Accent

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Ricotta Cheese

Ricotta is a creamy Italian cheese with a unique, sweet flavor and soft texture.

That can bring an exciting twist to your favourite New York Style Pizza. The ricotta’s soft, creamy texture also contrasts nicely with the crispy crust of the pizza.

The ricotta is creamy and slightly sweet. That offers a contrasting taste that pairs well with more robust, savoury flavors. 

How to use Ricotta effectively: Adding a small dollop of cheese across the pizza is better than spreading it. This will allow you to enjoy concentrated bursts of creamy flavor. Remember, Ricotta has a higher moisture content than many other cheeses. So, it’s best to use it sparingly to prevent your pizza from becoming too soggy.

12. Goat Cheese: The Tangy Surprise

Best Cheese for New York-Style Pizza - Goat Cheese

Goat cheese is a dairy product known for its tart, earthy flavor and creamy texture. It can provide an unexpected yet delightful twist to your New York-style Pizza recipe.

It may not be a classic choice for New York Style Pizza. But its rich and tangy flavor can add an epicure flair to your homemade pies.

Its distinct, tangy flavor sets it apart from other cheeses. It gives your pizza a savory and slightly sharp taste. This sharpness cuts through the richness of other pizza toppings, adding a layer of complexity.

Cooking tips: To use goat cheese, less is more. Because of its strong flavor, a little goes a long way. Dab small spoonfuls of goat cheese over your pizza for the best results. One thing to remember is that goat cheese doesn’t melt like mozzarella or cheddar. So it retains its shape after baking.

How to Choose the Right Cheese?

Choosing the right cheese can significantly enhance your culinary experience. You can find various types of cheese in the market. But a few key considerations can make the perfect selection. Here’s what you need to think about:

  • Understand the cheese type: Familiarize yourself with the properties of various kinds of cheese, such as hard, semi-hard, soft, and blue.
  • Flavor Profile: Choose a cheese that complements the flavors of your other ingredients.
  • Texture: Soft, hard, creamy, or crumbly, the texture can make a difference in your dish.
  • Melting Properties: Some cheeses melt well, while others don’t. That can be important for cooking.
  • Aroma: Certain cheeses have strong aromas. It can add another layer of complexity to your dish.
  • Nutritional Content: Choose cheese with specific nutritional properties depending on your dietary needs.
  • Storage: Consider how long and under what conditions you can store the cheese.
  • Consider the dish: Different pizza dough recipes call for different types of cheese based on flavor and texture requirements.
  • Check the age: The age of the cheese impacts its flavor and texture. Older cheeses are usually more robust and harder.
  • Country of origin matters: Cheese from different countries has distinct flavors and characteristics.
  • Consider the milk source: Cheese can be made from the milk of cows, goats, or sheep. Each offers unique flavor profiles.
  • Check for quality indications: Labels like “Artisan,” “Farmstead,” and “PDO” often indicate higher quality.
  • Taste before buying: If possible, taste a cheese to ensure you enjoy its flavor and texture.

Let’s take a look at some general cheese-related tips and tricks:

Tips and TricksDescription
PairingTry pairing cheese with wine, fruits, or nuts for an enhanced tasting experience.
Serving TemperatureCheese is best served at room temperature to allow its full flavor to shine.
StorageWrap cheese in wax paper and store it in a drawer in the fridge to maintain its freshness.


1. What is the traditional cheese used on New York-style pizza?

The traditional cheese used on New York-style pizza is shredded mozzarella. This cheese has a mild flavor that perfectly complements the robust tomato sauce. It gives the pizza its classic, delicious taste.

2. Can I use other types of cheese for my New York-style pizza?

While mozzarella is the traditional choice, you can experiment with other types of cheese. Provolone and parmesan, for instance, are also commonly used in traditional New York pizza.

Provolone offers a slightly sharper taste than mozzarella and is excellent for stretching. While Parmesan adds a distinct tanginess.

3. Why is low-moisture mozzarella preferred over fresh mozzarella for pizza?

Low-moisture mozzarella is preferred over fresh mozzarella mainly because of its longer shelf life. Fresh mozzarella is best the day it’s made and can develop off-flavors within a few days.

In contrast, low-moisture mozzarella retains its quality for longer. That makes it a practical choice for a New York pizzeria.

4. How much cheese should I put on my pizza?

The amount of cheese you should put on your pizza depends on personal preference. A good rule of thumb is to use about:
– 1/2 cup of shredded cheese for a small pizza.
– 1 cup for a large pizza.

If you prefer extra cheesy pizza, you can increase the cheese to:
– 3/4 cup for a small pizza.
– 1 and 1/2 cups for a large pizza.

5. Can I mix different types of cheese on my pizza?

Yes, you can! Mixing different types of cheese on your pizza can help you discover new flavors and textures. Mozzarella provides the classic pizza taste and texture.

Mixing it with other cheeses can introduce new elements to your pizza. It’s an excellent way to experiment and possibly find a new favorite combination.

Wrapping Up The Flavorful Journey of New York-Style Pizza

Cheese is the ‘make or break’ ingredient of pizza. Mozzarella, the classic choice, lays the foundation. But the beauty lies in exploration.

You might wonder, “How do I elevate my pizza game?” The answer is cheese – not just any cheese. But the best cheese for New York Style Pizza.

Provolone’s sharp notes, Parmesan’s tang, or low-moisture Mozzarella’s practicality each add a unique twist to your beloved pie.

So, next time you bake one, remember that some cheese exploration goes a long way. Be daring, be bold, and let your pizza tell a cheesy tale.

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