Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza: Which is Best?

Brooklyn-style pizza boasts a thin, crisp crust, soft and foldable under its toppings. New York style, while also light, has a firm crust, holding a flat, wide slice topped with classic tomato sauce and mozzarella.

I adore both, but their differences intrigue me. They reflect a deeper narrative, a slice of the culture of each borough. Brooklyn’s foldable pieces echo a casual, on-the-go lifestyle.

New York’s firm crust embodies a sturdy, unyielding spirit. The topping variations and the crust’s slight crunch or softness narrate tradition and community rivalry tales.

Each bite is a taste of their unique identities, an exploration beyond the topping and into the heart of what makes each borough distinct. This isn’t just a pizza debate; it’s a journey through flavors and history.

However, you’ll notice some subtle but essential distinctions when you compare a classic Brooklyn slice with a New York slice side by side.

The Difference Between Brooklyn and New York Style Pizza

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza

The diverging paths of Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas trace back to the old pizzerias, each holding a unique story baked with tradition and local flair.

The neighborhoods of New York City have constantly been melting pots of culture, with pizza at the heart of culinary conversations.

Let’s unroll the dough of history and see how these iconic pizzas came to define two notable boroughs.

1. The Origins

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - The Origins

The journey of Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas starts with the footprints of Italian immigrants. They brought the treasure of pizza-making skills to American shores.

Here’s how the origins of Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas rolled out. Each will tell a tale of tradition, adaptation, and neighborhood camaraderie.

The foundation of Brooklyn-style pizza lies in the Neapolitan tradition. They are brought by immigrants who favored a thin and crispy crust resembling the pizzas back in Naples.

Early Brooklyn pizzerias were more than eateries. They were community hubs where traditional pizza-making flourished. It reflects the close-knit community vibes. The use of coal-fired ovens was a hallmark. It imparts a distinct char and flavor that became synonymous with Brooklyn pizza.

Unlike its Brooklyn counterpart, New York-style pizza saw a blend of Italian influences, leading to a slightly thicker, firmer crust. The hustle of New York led to a pizza that could be grabbed on the go. With a sturdier crust holding generous toppings, mirroring the city’s bustling pace.

The shift to gas ovens marked a divergence. It offers a consistent bake, aligning with New York life’s fast-paced, uniform rhythm.

2. Dough

The dough is a big part of what makes a pizza good, bringing in the taste, feel, and old ways of making pizza.

When we look at Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas, the story of dough shows an incredible journey from simple to just right.

How their dough is made and how it feels sets the stage for the unique pizza adventures these two styles bring to the table.

  • Consistency: Brooklyn-style pizza dough is typically thin, a nod to its Neapolitan roots, allowing for a crisp yet flexible base. Unlike Brooklyn’s, New York-style dough is a tad thicker, providing a sturdy base for more toppings.
  • Hydration: A higher water content for Brooklyn pizza makes this dough soft and pliable, perfect for that foldable slice. But with less water, it’s firmer, aligning with the city’s hurried lifestyle where a quick, mess-free bite is cherished for NY-style pizza.
  • Simple Ingredients: Original Brooklyn Pizza often uses flour, water, yeast, and salt, honoring the beauty of simplicity. A touch of oil is expected in New York style, lending a tender bite and a hint of richness.

3. Size

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - Size

The size of a pizza slice often reflects the rhythm of the locale it represents. With Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas, each slice size embodies the essence of its borough and the evolution of pizza in adapting to local preferences. Let’s look at how size plays a role in differentiating these iconic pizza styles.

  • Size of Slices: Brooklyn Pizza is known for its larger slices, making each piece a hearty affair. This size caters to those who enjoy a substantial bite, embodying a generous, hearty approach to pizza. On the other hand, New York-style pizzas adhere to a standard size, reflecting the city’s fast-paced, on-the-go lifestyle. These slices are designed for a quick bite, catering to the bustling rhythm of New York.
  • Foldable Feature: The substantial size naturally invites a fold down the middle, making it easier to handle and eat on the go. This foldable feature resonates with a laid-back yet on-the-move lifestyle prevalent in Brooklyn. The slices of NY-style pizza are wide yet flat, a practical approach ensuring the toppings are held well without becoming too bulky. This design makes each piece easy to manage.
  • Diameter: Brooklyn pizza is cut in larger, ensuring each slice is filling. This sizeable diameter nods to a community-oriented spirit, offering a substantial meal in every piece. The size of traditional New York Pizza is just right for a satisfying yet quick bite. It is perfect for individuals on a tight schedule. It’s a practical yet delicious solution for a constantly moving city.

4. Toppings

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - Toppings

Toppings on a pizza are like story characters, each bringing flavor to the tale. In Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas, the toppings not only tantalize the taste buds but also narrate a story of cultural preference and tradition.

The love for classic toppings like fresh mozzarella, basil, and a basic tomato sauce is evident in Brooklyn. These toppings reflect a respect for traditional Italian flavors. Fresh, locally sourced vegetables like bell peppers, mushrooms, and onions are popular. They bring a fresh and light taste to the pizza.

Fewer toppings are preferred to allow the thin crust to shine. It’s about simplicity and enjoying every bite without a clutter of flavors.

Pepperoni is a star topping on New York-style pizza. Its spicy, slightly smoky flavor adds a kick that New Yorkers love. A generous layer of cheese, especially mozzarella, is a common sight. It creates a rich, gooey texture that’s utterly satisfying.

The wide range of toppings offered showcases the varied taste preferences of people in New York. The endless options, from sausage to various veggies, cater to the city’s eclectic tastes.

5. Cheese

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - Cheese

Cheese on a pizza is like the heart in a body, essential and dearly loved. Between Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas, the choice of cheese unveils a blend of tradition and modernity. 

Brooklyn Style Pizza:

  • Fresh Mozzarella: Fresh mozzarella is the star cheese on a Brooklyn pizza. Its mild, creamy nature complements the thin crust and traditional toppings.
  • Light Application: The cheese is often lightly applied, allowing other flavors to shine through. It’s about balancing the taste, not overwhelming it.
  • Classic Appeal: The choice of fresh mozzarella reflects a traditional, authentic pizza-making approach, keeping the connection to Italian roots alive.

New York Style Pizza:

  • Low-Moisture Mozzarella: New York pizzas often use low-moisture mozzarella. It’s less watery, holds up well to baking, and gives that lovely, stretchy cheese pull we adore.
  • Generous Layer: The cheese is generously layered, creating a rich, gooey texture. It’s about indulging in every cheesy bite.
  • Versatile Choices: Besides mozzarella, you’ll find a variety of cheeses like provolone or cheddar, showcasing the diversity and experimental nature of New York.

6. Sauce

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - Sauce

Pizza sauce is a big deal, setting the stage for all the flavors. Through the sauce, both Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas show their unique styles, each offering a taste that’s as unique and special as the places they come from.

In Brooklyn-style pizza, the sauce is kept simple; often, it is just a basic tomato sauce. This simple sauce lets the taste of fresh toppings and crust come through. It keeps things light and traditional, like making the original pizzas in the old Italian way.

On the other side, New York-style pizza likes to go bold with its sauce. The sauce here has more herbs and garlic. This gives a strong flavor that matches well with a variety of toppings. 

It’s spread generously on the dough, ensuring a flavor burst with every bite. This bold taste goes well with the lively and diverse vibe of New York, like welcoming different tastes to come together on one pizza.

7. The Crust

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - The Crust

The crust of a pizza is like its backbone, holding everything together. When you taste Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas, you’ll find a world of difference, even in their crusts. Each crust style complements the borough’s pace and preference, painting a delectable picture of the local pizza culture.

Brooklyn pizza is known for its airy and thinner crust. This crust is easy to fold, making it convenient to eat even on the go. Despite being thin, the crust has a soft texture. It’s light but holds the toppings well without getting soggy.

The less doughy nature makes it light and easy to munch on, ensuring the toppings and sauce are the show’s stars.

New York pizza has a thicker crust than Brooklyn-style. It’s sturdy enough to hold a generous amount of toppings. The outside is crispy, satisfying each bite’s crunch, while the inside remains tender.

The crust has a chewy texture, which comes from the higher gluten content in the dough. It provides a hearty bite that’s filling and satisfying.

8. Healthiness

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - Healthiness

Whether it’s the light and simple Brooklyn pizza or the hearty and filling New York pizza, both have ways of fitting into a balanced diet.

Both styles can be part of a balanced diet when enjoyed in moderation and topped with a colorful array of veggies. Each bite can blend tradition, taste, and nutrition, reflecting the heart and healthiness of their respective boroughs.

Brooklyn-style pizza is known for its thin crust, which usually has fewer carbs per slice. It often has less cheese and toppings, which means fewer calories and less fat. Simple toppings like fresh veggies and basic tomato sauce are good because they are not processed much.

New York-style pizza has a thicker crust and more cheese, which can mean more calories. But it also offers a wide range of toppings on veggies.

More veggies can make your pizza more nutritious even though it’s a bit heartier; a slice of New York-style pizza can be filling, so you might eat less overall.

AspectBrooklyn Style PizzaNew York Style Pizza
Crust ThicknessThinSlightly Thick
Cheese QuantityLessMore
Common ToppingsFresh Vegetables, Simple Tomato SaucePepperoni, Extra Cheese, Various Vegetables
Calories (per slice)Lower (due to thin crust)Higher (due to thicker crust and more cheese)
Fat (per slice)Lower (due to less cheese)Higher (due to more cheese and meats)
Carbohydrates (per slice)Lower (due to thin crust)Higher (due to thicker crust)
Protein (per slice)May be lowerMay be higher
Fiber (per slice)Higher (if topped with vegetables)Varies (depends on toppings)
Vitamin and Mineral ContentVaries (depends on toppings)Varies (depends on toppings)
Note: This chart provides a rough comparison based on common characteristics of Brooklyn and New York-style pizzas. For a more accurate health chart, it's advisable to have the pizzas nutritionally analyzed or find nutritional information from a reliable source.

9. Baking Method

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - Baking Method

The Brooklyn Style Pizza and the New York Style Pizza employ different baking techniques to accentuate their unique characteristics. The baking methods make each of these pizzas stand out.

Brooklyn Pizza uses a stone oven often for baking, enhancing the pizza’s flavor. The stone oven imparts a subtle, smoky flavor, elevating the overall taste. It’s baked high to get that crispy, thin crust.

This method ensures a quick bake, locking in the freshness of the toppings. The high heat creates a delightful contrast between the crispy crust and the soft, melted cheese.

For New York-style Pizza, deck ovens are typically used for an even bake. These ovens are essential for achieving the iconic, well-balanced New York slice to meld the flavors seamlessly.

It’s baked at a moderate temperature for a thicker crust to cook perfectly. This ensures the crust is chewy and soft, with a slight crisp outside. It allows the generous toppings to meld beautifully with the dough.

10. Flavor

Brooklyn-Style vs. New York-Style Pizza - Flavor

The flavor profiles of Brooklyn and New York Style Pizzas are distinct, each offering a unique taste experience.

Brooklyn Style Pizza is renowned for its crispy, thin crust, and its flavors of the toppings shine. The high oil content in the dough and the use of fresh.

Simple ingredients like fresh vegetables and a simple tomato sauce create a vibrant, robust flavor. You will get a crunch with each bite, followed by a freshness. 

On the other hand, New York York-style pizza brings forward a harmonious blend of flavors. It has a thicker, chewy crust and generous toppings. The classic toppings like pepperoni, extra cheese, and various vegetables meld beautifully. It creates a well-rounded, hearty flavor. 

The use of high-gluten flour in the dough adds a subtle sweetness. That makes every bite a delightful blend of savory and sweet. It leaves a lingering taste that makes you crave another slice.

Which Style Comes Out On Top?

Choosing a winner between Brooklyn-style and New York-style pizza is tough, as both styles have their unique charm and fan base.

While Brooklyn-style pizza is celebrated for its thin, crisp crust and fresh toppings, New York-style pizza is adored for its foldable slices and rich, hearty toppings.

Here are some points to ponder about which one is the best pizza.

Brooklyn Style Pizza:

  • Crispiness: The thinness of the dough contributes to a distinct crispiness in the crust. It provides a satisfying crunch with each bite, a hallmark of Brooklyn-style pizza.
  • Fresh Toppings: Often adorned with fresh vegetables and a simple tomato sauce. The toppings are not just about flavor but also about providing a fresh and vibrant eating experience.
  • Calorie Count: The thinner crust and typically lesser cheese and meat toppings mean it’s often lower in calories. That provides a lighter option for pizza lovers.
  • Size: The slices are usually large, providing a substantial serving and encouraging the classic New York fold when eating.
  • Baking Method: Baked at a high temperature, often in a stone oven. The Brooklyn-style pizza achieves a crispy, slightly charred crust that many love.
  • Flavor: The flavor profile tends to be light and fresh, with the simple sauce and fresh toppings taking center stage.
  • Dough: The dough is thin yet supportive, with a slightly higher oil content. This contributes to its unique flavor and texture.

New York Style Pizza:

  • Hearty Bites: With its medium-thick, hand-tossed crust and generous toppings. So, each bite is hearty and fulfilling, making it a substantial meal.
  • Iconic Experience: The ability to fold a slice of New York-style pizza is iconic. It provides a particular way of eating synonymous with New York’s streets.
  • Flavor Profile: The flavors are rich and robust, with a well-seasoned sauce and various toppings. That can include meats, vegetables, and extra cheese.
  • Cheese: The generous use of cheese, often mozzarella, provides a gooey, rich texture and flavor. That is a crucial characteristic of New York-style pizza.
  • Baking Method: Baked at a moderate temperature in deck ovens. This method allows the thicker crust to cook perfectly and the flavors of the toppings to meld beautifully.
  • Crust: The crust is chewy and soft with a slight outer crisp. This is achieved through high-gluten flour and a meticulous baking process.
  • Versatility: The New York-style pizza is versatile in its toppings. It accommodates a wide range from various types of meat to many vegetables, catering to multiple preferences.


Is Brooklyn-style pizza healthier?

Brooklyn-style pizza often gets a nod in the “healthier” category mainly due to its thin crust, which generally contains fewer carbohydrates and calories than its thicker counterparts. The toppings, often fresh veggies, and a simple tomato sauce, also is lighter. However, “healthier” is subjective and depends on your dietary needs and toppings.

What are the main differences between Brooklyn and New York pizza? 

Brooklyn-style pizza is known for its thin, crispy crust, often baked in a high-temperature stone oven. It typically features fresh, simple toppings. On the flip side, New York-style pizza boasts a chewier, thicker, and foldable crust, baked at a moderate temperature. It is often generously topped with various ingredients, including a well-seasoned sauce and a good helping of cheese.

Why does New York Pizza use fresh mozzarella?

Fresh mozzarella and New York pizza – a match made in culinary heaven! Fresh mozzarella is pivotal in achieving that iconic, gooey, and slightly stringy cheese pull that pizza lovers adore. It provides a rich and creamy texture. Fresh mozzarella also offers a mild yet distinct flavor that complements the savory toppings and sauce. That creates a harmonious and indulgent bite every time.

What are some of the most popular Brooklyn-style pizza places?

Brooklyn has been a pizza paradise for decades! Some popular spots include Di Fara Pizza, known for its classic pies and rich history. Grimaldi is famed for its coal-fired crust and fresh toppings. Lucali is a spot that has gained a cult following for its thin-crust pizzas and simple yet high-quality ingredients. Each pizzeria has a secret to the perfect pie, making them beloved spots among locals and tourists.

What are some of the most popular New York-style pizza places?

New York City has pizzerias that have stolen pizza lovers’ hearts. Joe’s Pizza in Greenwich Village is often hailed for classic New York slices. Prince Street Pizza in Nolita is famed for its spicy pepperoni square slice. Meanwhile, Lombardi’s, recognized as one of the oldest pizzerias in the city, continues to draw crowds for its coal-oven baked pizzas. Each spot offers a unique take on the classic New York-style pizza, contributing to the city’s rich pizza tapestry.

The Verdict: Two Iconic NYC Styles, Both Worth Savoring

The subtle differences between New York and Brooklyn pizza styles come from local tastes and traditions. The important thing is that NYC has perfected the art of the slice. No matter which borough you pledge allegiance to, you can’t deny both styles have earned their place in pizza history.

When visiting New York, sample both styles, and you be the judge. Don’t ask a native New Yorker to declare which is best—unless you’re ready for a heated debate. Grab a slice and tuck in to experience the very best of New York City’s thriving pizza culture.

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