Can You Use Monterey Jack Cheese on Pizza?

Yes, you can use Monterey Jack cheese on pizza. It is a perfect choice as a substitute for mozzarella. It's a good choice due to its excellent meltability and mild flavor.

Monterey Jack becomes nicely gooey and stringy when heated, a desired quality for pizza cheese. Its mild flavor complements various other pizza toppings without overpowering them.

While most of us use mozzarella to make pizza, I wondered why Monterey Jack wasn’t as famous as other cheeses.

Is it because it’s too mild, or does it not melt as well? Or is there another reason it’s overlooked in the pizza cheese race?

Now, I’ll share my experiences using Monterey Jack on pizza. We’ll delve into its qualities, from its texture to its meltability and how it pairs with various toppings.

I hope to give you some fresh insights that might transform your next pizza night.

Why Do You Use Monterey Jack Cheese on Pizza?

Use Monterey Jack Cheese on Pizza

Monterey Jack is known for its creamy, buttery flavor that can provide a subtle, delightful contrast to stronger pizza toppings. Its excellent melting quality gives a perfect, gooey texture that’s a must-have for any good pizza.

It’s not as popular as mozzarella for pizzas. But it is gaining recognition among gourmet pizza lovers for its unique qualities.

It doesn’t overpower the pizza with a strong taste. Instead, it subtly enhances the overall flavor. It’s perfect for a mild yet delicious cheese pizza option.

1. It is Mild

Monterey Jack cheese is mild, so it doesn’t overpower the other ingredients on your pizza. So it doesn’t over-power the flavors of your chosen toppings. Also, it enhances the overall taste profile.

The cheese’s light and creamy taste adds a hint of creaminess to your pizza. It’s not too sharp nor too bland. It strikes just the right balance of flavor for your pizza. Its mildness makes it a great cheese to mix with more robust cheeses, creating a perfect blend.

2. Melt and Stretch

Monterey Jack cheese is not only known for its mild flavor but also for its excellent melt and stretch qualities. These characteristics make it a perfect candidate for your pizza topping.

The cheese’s meltability contributes to your pizza’s gooey, creamy texture. It stretches beautifully when melted. That creates a desirable stringy effect when you pull apart a slice.

These traits are essential for any good pizza cheese, and Monterey Jack delivers just right. Its melt and stretch abilities enhance the overall pizza-eating experience.

3. Flavor

Monterey Jack cheese is renowned for its distinct flavor profile, characterized by a creamy, buttery, and mellow taste. This unique blend of flavors makes it a top-notch choice for your pizza topping.

The cheese’s creamy, buttery notes add a rich, luxurious feel to your pizza, enhancing its overall taste. The mellow flavor, however, doesn’t overshadow the taste of other toppings. Instead, it contributes to a harmonious blend of flavors.

This well-rounded flavor profile makes Monterey Jack an ideal choice for pizza. It also ensures a tasty treat that you’ll thoroughly enjoy.

4. Versatile

Monterey Jack cheese is a versatile choice for pizza. Its ability to pair with many toppings makes it great for pizza. From spicy to sweet, it can handle all flavors. Its versatility ensures a tasty pizza, no matter the toppings.

It can harmonize with many toppings, from spicy meats to sweet fruits. It can effortlessly blend in, whether a classic Margherita or a barbecue chicken. It can enhance the overall flavor profile.

5. Texture

Monterey Jack cheese is known for its unique texture. It can make it a great addition to your pizza. This characteristic plays a vital role in the overall pizza experience.

The cheese is smooth and creamy, making your pizza lush and velvety. When melted, it becomes delightfully gooey, adding a generous layer of texture to your pizza.

This rich and creamy texture of Monterey Jack cheese enhances your pizza experience. It makes each bite more enjoyable and satisfying.

6. Pairs Well with Other Cheeses

This mellow and creamy cheese blends seamlessly with its cheesy comrades on a pizza. Pair it with a rich cheese like sharp Cheddar or a tangy one like Blue. Monterey Jack mellows their intense flavors, creating a balanced cheesy symphony on your palate.

Its smooth texture also plays well with the stretchy Mozzarella. Enhancing the gooeyness we all crave in a pizza. This fusion enhances the texture and richness of your pizza without overwhelming your taste buds.

It also goes well with parmesan, ricotta, or cheddar cheese. Experiment and find the blend by trying new combinations of flavors.

7. Good Source of Calcium and Protein

Monterey Jack cheese is more than a tasty topping. It’s a powerhouse of nutrition. It offers you a good dose of calcium and protein.

200 milligrams of calcium per 1-ounce serving contributes significantly to your daily calcium needs. This nutrient is vital for maintaining strong, healthy bones.

Protein is known to be the most satiating nutrient, helping to keep hunger pangs at bay. This means a pizza topped with Monterey Jack cheese could satisfy you for longer, aiding overall hunger control.

On top of being a good source of calcium and protein, it also offers other nutritional benefits. It’s a low-carb food. It is a suitable choice if you’re watching your carb intake.

It is a potentially good option for lactose intolerance because most lactose is removed during cheese-making.

NutrientAmount per 1-ounce serving
Calcium200 milligrams
Protein6 grams
Carbohydrates1 gram
Fat8 grams

8. Inexpensive

Monterey Jack cheese is a budget-friendly option compared to other cheeses like Mozzarella, Blue Cheese, etc.

Regarding pizza, this affordability can significantly reduce the cost of ingredients, particularly for pizza enthusiasts or restaurants that produce large quantities daily.

By opting for Monterey Jack, you save money and ensure a delicious, melty topping for your pizza.

Its affordability also makes it an accessible choice for home cooking. It allows you to experiment with pizza recipes without a hefty price tag.

CheesePrice (per pound)
Monterey Jack cheese$3.99
Blue Cheese$5.99
Note: The prices are based on the US market as of 2023. It may vary depending on location and store.

6 Creative Ways to Use Monterey Jack Cheese on Pizza

Ways to Use Monterey Jack Cheese on Pizza

Pizza is not just a dish; it’s a canvas and Monterey Jack? It’s not just cheese; it’s the paint. This versatile, mild cheese is often overlooked in favor of mozzarella.

But it has the potential to transform your pizza into a unique culinary masterpiece. We’re talking about a fusion of flavors, a symphony of tastes. All brought to life by this humble cheese.

1. Monterey Jack and Bacon

Monterey Jack cheese and bacon are a match made in pizza heaven. The creamy, mild flavor of Monterey Jack cheese pairs wonderfully with the savory, smoky taste of bacon. Here’s a fun and creative idea:

Instead of a traditional tomato sauce base, try a creamy white sauce. Spread it across your dough. Then generously sprinkle Monterey Jack cheese all over.

Next, layer crispy bacon bits evenly. For an extra twist, consider adding thinly sliced apples. This surprising addition brings a touch of sweetness. It will contrast beautifully with the salty bacon and creamy cheese.

Don’t forget to finish with a sprinkle of rosemary or thyme. After baking, you will find a delightful blend of flavors – creamy, smoky, sweet, and aromatic. This combination will enhance the overall taste of your pizza.

And also introduces an exciting and unexpected flavor profile that can elevate your homemade pizza game.

2. Monterey Jack and Chicken

The duo of Monterey Jack cheese and chicken is a delicious treat. These ingredients can transform a simple pizza into a delightful gourmet experience. Here are some creative ways you can use Monterey Jack cheese and chicken on pizza:

  • Start by spreading your favorite barbecue sauce on the dough instead of traditional tomato sauce. It will make a sweet and tangy base.
  • Top the sauce with a generous layer of Monterey Jack cheese that perfectly complements the chicken.
  • Add grilled or rotisserie chicken pieces, ensuring every slice has a rich, meaty bite.
  • For an extra flavor boost, sprinkle chopped red onions and cilantro over the chicken.
  • After baking, drizzle some ranch dressing on top for an excellent, creamy contrast.
  • Use a pesto base, Monterey Jack, chicken, and sun-dried tomatoes for a Mediterranean twist.

3. Monterey Jack and Pineapple

The pairing of Monterey Jack cheese and pineapple might sound unconventional. But it adds a tropical twist to your pizza. Monterey Jack’s creamy, mild flavor and pineapple’s sweet and tangy taste create an exciting blend of flavors.

Here are some innovative ideas for a Monterey Jack and pineapple pizza:

  • Begin with a traditional tomato sauce base, then add a generous layer of Monterey Jack cheese.
  • Arrange pineapple chunks evenly over the cheese. Their sweet tang will contrast beautifully with its creaminess.
  • Include a thinly sliced ham or Canadian bacon layer for a Hawaiian pizza variation.
  • Sprinkle some diced jalapeños on top to add a spicy kick. It pairs well with the sweetness of the pineapple.
  • For a gourmet touch, add caramelized onions. Their sweet, almost buttery flavor complements the pineapple’s tropical sweetness.
  • Finish with a dash of oregano or basil to introduce a fresh, herby note.

4. California-style Pizza

Monterey Jack is a soft cheese that goes great with the unique flavors of California-style pizza. Known for its eclectic toppings and gourmet appeal, California-style pizza can elevate with its creamy texture and mild flavor.

Here’s how you can creatively incorporate Monterey Jack cheese into your California-style pizza:

  • Start with thin-crust pizza dough and a light brushing of olive oil for a classic California-style base.
  • Spread the cheese evenly over the dough, allowing its creamy flavor to shine through.
  • Layer on various vegetables like bell peppers, mushrooms, and artichoke hearts. It will highlight the fresh produce of California-style pizza.
  • For a coastal twist, also add cooked shrimp or crab. Those pair excellently with the cheese.
  • Use avocado slices or a drizzle of guacamole after baking for a distinctly Californian touch.
  • Finish with a sprinkle of fresh herbs like cilantro or basil for a vibrant, fresh flavor that complements the cheese.

5. Monterey Jack and Shrimp Pizza

Monterey Jack cheese and shrimp make an exceptional combination on pizza. The creamy, mild cheese taste beautifully complements the shrimp’s delicate flavor.

Here’s how you can maximize this flavorful duo on your pizza:

  • Begin with a garlic-infused olive oil crust to complement the shrimp and Monterey Jack cheese.
  • Grate a good amount of Monterey Jack cheese over the base for a creamy canvas for your toppings.
  • Arrange cooked shrimp evenly over the cheese for a seafood-inspired twist.
  • Add thinly sliced bell peppers and red onions to enhance the pizza’s crisp texture and vibrant flavors.
  • Sprinkle some Old Bay seasoning on top to bring out the best in the shrimp.
  • Finish with a drizzle of lemon-garlic sauce after baking for a zesty and flavorful punch.
  • After baking, add a handful of arugula or fresh basil for a bright, peppery note.

These creative tips can elevate your pizza from ordinary to extraordinary. You can make a seafood-inspired treat that’s perfect for any occasion.

6. Monterey Jack and Roasted Vegetables

Using Monterey Jack instead of Mozzarella cheese and any other melted cheese gives a unique aroma. Its melting characteristic gives a smoother and creamier pizza topping.

Pairing Monterey Jack with various roasted vegetables offers different textures and flavors. It can transform a simple pizza into a gourmet feast.

  • Think about roasted bell peppers. Their sweetness harmonizes with the creamy Monterey Jack.
  • Try roasted eggplant. Its earthy tones perfectly match the cheese’s mildness.
  • With their tartness, roasted cherry tomatoes could offset the cheese’s creaminess, providing balance.
  • Also, add roasted onions and mushrooms. Their caramelized and umami notes enhance the overall flavor profile.
  • Finally, this combination elevates your pizza’s taste and increases its nutritional value. It makes it a healthier, more enjoyable meal.

Monterey Jack vs. Mozzarella for Pizza

Monterey Jack vs. Mozzarella for Pizza

When it comes to pizza, cheese is crucial. Mozzarella has long been the king of pizza cheese and for a good reason.

Its delicate, milky flavor and great melting capacity create that traditional pizza experience we all love. It forms a beautiful, stretchy layer that gently envelops the toppings and browns in the oven.

On the other hand, Monterey Jack, though less traditional for pizza, can be an equally enticing choice.

It boasts a creamy texture and a mild, slightly tangy flavor, offering a delightful alternative to mozzarella. This cheese also melts wonderfully, contributing to a satisfying, gooey texture.

Let’s see how they stack up in a comparison table:

Monterey JackMozzarella
OriginUSA (California)Italy
Flavor ProfileMild, creamy, tangySlightly sweet, tangy
Melting QualitySmooth, even meltStretchy, stringy melt
Fat ContentMediumLow to medium
Protein ContentHighHigh
Calcium ContentHighHigh
Caloric ContentMedium-highMedium-high
PairingsSpicy ingredients, diverse toppingsTraditional Italian ingredients like tomato and basil
Best forExperimenting with flavorsTraditional Italian-style pizza
The choice between Monterey Jack and Mozzarella comes down to your personal preference. You might even find that blending the two cheeses gives you the best of both worlds. The smooth melt of Monterey Jack and the iconic stretchiness of Mozzarella.

Can You Put Colby and Monterey Jack Cheese on Pizza?

Yes, you can undoubtedly put Colby and Monterey Jack cheese on pizza. The characteristics of these two kinds of cheese significantly impact the pizza’s overall flavor and texture.

Colby cheese brings a mild, creamy taste, while Monterey Jack offers a slightly tangy buttery profile. Combined, they create a harmonious blend that adds richness and depth to your pizza.

The Colby cheese melts smoothly, providing a gooey and stretchy texture. While the Monterey Jack brings a slight tang and enhances the overall cheesiness. Together, they create a deliciously melty and flavorful combination that complements a variety of toppings.

Here are the steps to put Colby and Monterey Jack cheese on your pizza:

  1. Preheat your oven: Most pizzas cook well at around 450°F (232°C). Make sure to preheat your oven to ensure even cooking.
  2. Prepare your pizza dough: Let the dough rise. Then roll out your pizza dough to your desired thickness on a floured surface.
  3. Add the sauce: Spread a thin layer of your preferred pizza sauce on the dough, leaving a small border for the crust.
  4. Grate the cheeses: Grate both Colby and Monterey Jack cheese. This increases the surface area of the cheese, helping it to melt evenly.
  5. Sprinkle the cheese: Begin by sprinkling a generous amount of Monterey Jack cheese on top of the sauce. Then, add the Colby cheese. You can change the ratio according to your preference. A good start might be equal parts of each.
  6. Add toppings: If you have other toppings, add them to the cheese.
  7. Bake the pizza: Transfer the pizza to the preheated oven and bake until the crust is golden brown. The cheese should be bubbly and slightly browned. This typically takes around 12-15 minutes.
  8. Let it rest: Once out of the oven, let your pizza rest for a few minutes before cutting into it. This allows the cheese to set a bit and makes for easier, cleaner slices.

Whether making a classic pepperoni pizza or experimenting with unique flavor combinations, this duo is a winning choice. They will elevate your pizza to new heights of cheesy goodness.

What Can You Use Monterey Jack Cheese for?

Monterey Jack cheese, with its creamy texture and mild flavor, can change the taste in many dishes. This versatile cheese can elevate your culinary creations, adding a delightful creaminess and tang.

  • Pizza Topping: Monterey Jack is a delicious choice for a perfect pizza. Its creamy profile and easy melting capability can enhance the overall flavor. It can offer a delightful twist from the usual mozzarella or parmesan cheese.
  • Sandwich Enhancer: It is an excellent addition to sandwiches or burgers. When heated, it melts into a creamy and gooey layer that adds a rich texture and flavor.
  • Pasta Companion: Stir Monterey Jack cheese into your pasta dishes. The result? A quick creamy sauce that enlivens the overall taste and texture of your pasta.
  • Salad Booster: A sprinkle of Monterey Jack cheese on salads adds a mild, nutty flavor. It Increases the dish’s protein content and makes your salads more nutritious and satisfying.
  • Mexican Cuisine Star: Enchiladas, quesadillas, or tacos – Monterey Jack is a must-have ingredient in your Mexican cuisine. Its creamy texture and tangy flavor complement spicy Mexican dishes perfectly.
  • Breakfast Lift: From omelets to scrambled eggs, adding Monterey Jack cheese makes your breakfast dish creamy and more satisfying. The mild flavor doesn’t overpower the eggs but adds a delightful layer of taste.
  • Grill and BBQ Mate: Melted over grilled vegetables or meats, it creates a tasty, cheesy layer of flavor. It’s an easy way to upgrade your BBQ and grilling adventures.


Q. Can I use Monterey Jack cheese instead of mozzarella on pizza?

Yes, you can use Monterey Jack cheese instead of mozzarella on pizza. Monterey Jack cheese offers a delicious twist to the classic pizza flavor profile.

It has a slightly tangy flavor and pairs well with various pizza toppings. And because it melts so well, it gives your pizza that delightful, gooey cheese pull we all love.

Q. Is Monterey Jack cheese good for melting?

Absolutely! Monterey Jack cheese is known for its excellent melting properties. It’s made from whole or partly skimmed cow’s milk. It has a high moisture content that is perfect for melting.

When you’re whipping up a batch of nachos, it can add a creamy, rich, irresistible texture. The same goes for crafting the perfect grilled cheese sandwich. The meltiness of it enhances the overall taste and texture.

Q. What temperature does Monterey Jack cheese melt?

Monterey Jack cheese begins to melt at around 130°F (54°C). But it reaches a perfectly smooth and pourable state at about 160°F (71°C).

Monterey Jack cheese has the distinct advantage of melting at a relatively low temperature. This quality makes it a preferred choice for many recipes for melted cheese. It’s particularly well-suited to baked dishes, sauces, and dips.

Q. Can Monterey Jack Cheese Be Used in Lasagna?

Yes, you can use Monterey Jack cheese in lasagna. Its mild flavor profile and superb melting qualities make it a great choice.

Monterey Jack provides a creamy, cohesive layer that combines all the lasagna elements. It complements the intense flavors of tomatoes, garlic, and herbs. It results in a balanced and irresistible taste.

End of The Journey

Shaking up your pizza game with Monterey Jack cheese can take your homemade pizzas to the next level. I know the love for mozzarella is deep and accurate, but hear me out.

The creamy texture of Monterey Jack brings a unique element to your pizza. Its mild flavor offers a change, yet it’s just as delightful as the traditional choices.

Together, these qualities can significantly enhance your pizza experience. And let’s not forget its stellar melting properties, transforming your pizza into a cheesy paradise. It might feel like a bold move, but trust me. It’s a delicious one.

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