10 Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust Before Work in 2024

Everyone loves a good pizza, but have you ever considered enjoying it for breakfast?

With some creativity, you can use pizza crust in new and exciting ways to make your mornings more delicious. Pizza crust offers a versatile base for many tasty breakfast options.

What can you do with pizza crust to start your day off right? From savory to sweet, the possibilities are almost endless.

Whether you’re rushed on a busy morning or having a leisurely weekend brunch, these ideas will add a fun twist to your breakfast routine.

1. Breakfast Pizza with Scrambled Eggs

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Breakfast Pizza with Scrambled Eggs

There’s nothing I love more than making a Breakfast Pizza with perfectly cooked scrambled eggs. It’s a simple dish that feels special.

First, preheat the oven to 400°F and grease a baking pan. Then, spread the pizza crust and bake it for about 7 minutes.

Meanwhile, whisk together eggs, milk, salt, and pepper. Heat butter in a pan and gently scramble the eggs until they’re just set but still soft.

After the crust is ready, spread the scrambled eggs over it. For extra flavor, you can also add toppings like bacon, cheese, sausage, or vegetables.

Bake the assembled pizza until the crust is golden, and the toppings are bubbly about 10-12 minutes. When it’s done, slice it up and enjoy a warm, hearty breakfast.

Here’s a quick bullet list for easy reference:

  • Preheat oven to 400°F.
  • Prepare pizza crust.
  • Whisk and scramble eggs.
  • Spread eggs over the crust.
  • Add desired toppings.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes.

If you prefer to follow a detailed recipe, check out this site for more information. This dish is perfect for busy mornings or weekend brunches!

2. Ham and Cheese Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Ham and Cheese Breakfast Pizza

I relish a Ham and Cheese Breakfast Pizza to commence my day. It’s quick, easy, and delicious. Here’s how I make it.


  • Pizza crust
  • Olive oil
  • Ham (diced)
  • Mozzarella and cheddar cheese (shredded)
  • Eggs
  • Milk
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Place the pizza crust on a greased baking pan.
  2. Brush the crust with olive oil and bake for about 7-8 minutes until lightly browned.
  3. Whisk together eggs, milk, salt, and pepper in a bowl.
  4. Cook the eggs in a pan until they’re just set.
  5. Layer the scrambled eggs on the pre-baked crust. Top with diced ham and cheese.
  6. Bake for an additional 5-7 minutes until the cheese melts.

This is my go-to recipe when I need something filling and tasty. Try it with different types of cheese, or add vegetables for extra flavor. It’s perfect for busy mornings!

For a detailed recipe, check out this Easy Ham and Cheese Breakfast Pizza.

3. Veggie Supreme Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Veggie Supreme Breakfast Pizza

A Veggie Supreme Breakfast Pizza is a healthy and delicious way to begin your day. This pizza is packed with colorful vegetables, making it delicious and nutritious.

For the crust, I usually use a whole wheat or cauliflower base. They add a nice flavor and are a bit healthier.

When it comes to toppings, here’s what I use:

  • Bell peppers (red, yellow, green)
  • Red onions
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms

I like to sauté the veggies lightly before placing them on the crust. It brings out their sweetness and makes the pizza even better.

For the cheese, a mix of mozzarella and cheddar works excellent. If I feel adventurous, I might add some feta or goat cheese for extra tanginess.

To bake, preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C) and bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly, usually around 12-15 minutes.

A sprinkle of fresh basil and a dash of black pepper on top, and breakfast is ready! You can find more veggie breakfast ideas at Yummly’s Vegetarian Breakfast Pizza Recipes.

Here’s all you need in a simple table:

Pizza crust1 whole
Bell peppers1 cup, sliced
Red onions½ cup, sliced
Cherry tomatoes1 cup, halved
Spinach1 cup
Mushrooms1 cup, sliced
Mozzarella cheese1 cup, shredded
Cheddar cheese½ cup shredded
Feta/Goat cheeseOptional
Fresh basilFor garnish
Black pepperTo taste

Give it a try, and let me know how you like it!

4. Bacon and Spinach Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Bacon and Spinach Breakfast Pizza

The savory richness of bacon paired with the freshness of spinach on pizza is unbeatable for breakfast. It’s easy to make and packed with flavors. Here’s how I put it together:

  1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
  2. Roll out the pizza dough on a baking sheet.
  3. Brush with olive oil and pre-bake for 7 minutes.

While the crust is baking, cook the bacon in a skillet until it’s just golden but not crispy. You want it to retain some chewiness. Drain the excess fat.

In a new pan, sauté fresh spinach with a drizzle of olive oil until it’s wilted. This usually only takes about 2-3 minutes.

Once the pizza crust is ready, spread a thin layer of tomato sauce and add the bacon and spinach. Sometimes, I sprinkle a bit of shredded mozzarella cheese for extra flavor.

Finally, bake the assembled pizza for another 8-10 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly.

Here’s a quick breakdown of ingredients and steps:

  • Pizza dough
  • Olive oil
  • Bacon
  • Fresh spinach
  • Tomato sauce
  • Mozzarella cheese

This pizza is a great way to enjoy a wholesome breakfast with minimal effort. The combination of crispy bacon and nutritious spinach on a delicious crust is simply unbeatable!

5. Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizzaand Spinach Breakfast Pizza

A comforting sausage gravy breakfast pizza is the perfect fuel for a day. It combines all the comforting flavors of breakfast into one delicious pizza.

Start by parbaking your crust to ensure it doesn’t get soggy.

Next, make the sausage gravy by cooking sausage and then adding butter, flour, and milk. Keep stirring until it’s thick and creamy.


  • Pizza crust
  • Sausage
  • Butter
  • Flour
  • Milk
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Shredded cheese
  • Seasonings like sage, salt, and pepper

Spread the gravy over the crust and add scrambled eggs and shredded cheese on top.

Tip: Customize the toppings to your liking!

Bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly. A hot breakfast pizza with savory sausage gravy is sure to please.

Check out a complete Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizza recipe if you need more details.

6. Sweet Potato and Avocado Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Sausage Gravy Breakfast Pizzaand Spinach Breakfast Pizza

The combination of sweet potato and avocado on a pizza crust is a breakfast revelation.

First, I made the crust using sweet potatoes. I combined sweet potato chunks with almond flour in a food processor, added an egg and some spices, and pulsed until the dough was pasty. I let the dough rest in the refrigerator.

Here are the steps:

Sweet Potato Crust:

  • Blend sweet potatoes and almond flour.
  • Add egg and spices.
  • Pulse until pasty.
  • Refrigerate the dough.

Then, I baked the crust in the oven at 400°F until golden.

While the crust was baked, I prepared the toppings.


  • Avocado slices
  • Eggs
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Red onions

Once the crust was ready, I spread mashed avocado on top. I added the other toppings.

It turned out delicious and nutritious with:

  • Healthy fats from avocado
  • Protein from eggs
  • Fiber from sweet potatoes

For anyone looking for a yummy and healthy breakfast, I highly recommend this veggie sweet potato avocado breakfast pizza.

7. Greek Yogurt and Fruit Breakfast Pizza

Greek Yogurt and Fruit Breakfast Pizza

One of my favorite ways to enjoy breakfast pizza is with Greek yogurt and fresh fruit. It’s a healthy option that feels like a treat.

I begin with a premade or homemade pizza crust. If you’re looking for a gluten-free option, try a granola crust.


  • Pizza crust (or granola crust)
  • Greek yogurt
  • Fresh fruits (like berries, bananas, kiwi)

I spread a generous layer of Greek yogurt on the crust. The creamy texture goes perfectly with the crunchy base.

Next, I top it with a variety of fresh fruits. Sliced strawberries, blueberries, and kiwi add vibrant colors and flavors.

Here’s a quick bullet list to show the steps:

  • Spread Greek yogurt evenly on the crust.
  • Add fresh fruits.
  • Serve immediately.

This breakfast pizza is not only delicious, but it’s also nutritious. The Greek yogurt provides protein, and the fresh fruits add vitamins.

If interested, check out this healthy fruit pizza recipe for more inspiration.

8. Pesto and Mozzarella Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Pesto and Mozzarella Breakfast Pizza

A pesto and mozzarella breakfast pizza is the perfect way to start the day. It’s easy to make and packed with flavor.

For this pizza, use premade pizza dough or a store-bought crust. Spread a thin layer of pesto sauce over the base. This adds a delicious, herby taste.

Top with shredded mozzarella cheese. If you like it extra cheesy, you can add more cheese. The mozzarella melts well and gives a nice stretch.

Add your favorite toppings, such as:

  • Sliced tomatoes
  • Spinach leaves
  • Red onion slices

Bake the pizza in a preheated oven at 425 degrees F for about 10-12 minutes, or until the crust is golden and the cheese is melted.

While the pizza is baking, you can prepare eggs in any style. Scrambled eggs or sunny-side-up eggs both work great.

Once the pizza is ready, add the cooked eggs on top. The combination of pesto, mozzarella, and eggs makes each bite heavenly.

Finally, sprinkle some fresh basil or parsley on top for freshness. If you’re a fan of a bit of heat, you can also add a dash of red pepper flakes. Enjoy your Pesto and Mozzarella Breakfast Pizza, hot and savory!

More details and a recipe can be found here.

9. Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Breakfast Pizza

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Breakfast Pizza

A rich and flavorful smoked salmon and cream cheese breakfast pizza is a morning treat. It’s easy to make and tastes amazing.


Preheat the oven to 400°F. While the oven heats, spread a generous layer of cream cheese over the pizza crust.

Once the cream cheese is spread evenly, place slices of smoked salmon on top. Add some capers and thinly sliced red onion for extra flavor.

Bake the pizza in the preheated oven for about 10 minutes or until the crust is crispy. After baking, sprinkle fresh dill over the top.


  • Use whipped cream cheese for easier spreading.
  • Add avocado slices for a creamy touch.
  • Try goat cheese as an alternative to cream cheese.

This smoked salmon and cream cheese breakfast pizza will become a morning favorite. Enjoy!

10. Breakfast Pizza with Black Beans and Salsa

Breakfast Ideas with Pizza Crust - Breakfast Pizza with Black Beans and Salsa

Breakfast Pizza with Black Beans and Salsa is a tasty and easy option. First, I use a ready-made pizza crust. It saves time.

I spread refried black beans mixed with chipotle powder on the crust. The beans add a hearty base and a little spice.

I top the beans with scrambled eggs and shredded cheddar cheese. The eggs add protein, and the cheese melts to perfection.

After baking the pizza until the cheese is melted, I drizzle salsa verde over it, which gives it a zesty kick.

I finish with chopped cilantro and onions. This adds a burst of fresh flavor and a nice crunch.

This recipe is both flavorful and filling. It’s great for a quick and fun breakfast.

Here’s a simple list to follow:

  • Ready-made pizza crust
  • Refried black beans mixed with chipotle powder
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Shredded cheddar cheese
  • Salsa verde
  • Chopped cilantro and onions

Health Benefits of Pizza Crust for Breakfast

Starting your day with pizza crust can offer surprising health benefits. It provides essential carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and a versatile nutrient profile that supports a balanced breakfast.

Rich in Carbohydrates

The pizza crust is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Carbs give your body the energy it needs to start the day. Think of them as the fuel for your brain and muscles. Each slice of pizza crust can provide a quick energy boost, which is essential for those busy mornings.

Eating pizza crust in the morning helps keep me active and focused. Studies suggest a balanced breakfast with adequate carbs can improve concentration and memory.

Source of Fiber

Many pizza crusts today are made with whole grains, making them a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber is vital for digestion and helps to keep you feeling full longer. It also supports heart health by helping to reduce cholesterol levels.

Using whole-grain or multigrain pizza crusts can provide that extra fiber kick. A single serving of whole-grain pizza crust can contribute significantly to your daily fiber intake, helping with digestion and maintaining steady blood sugar levels.

Versatile Nutrient Profile

The nutrient profile of pizza crust can vary greatly, depending on the ingredients used. Many pizza crusts are made with enriched flours that add iron, B vitamins, and folic acid. These nutrients are crucial for cell function and overall energy levels.

I like experimenting with different crust types, like cauliflower or chickpea-based, which offer extra nutrients like protein and antioxidants. Gluten-free options are a plus for folks who need to reduce gluten.

CarbohydratesQuick energy boost
FiberAids digestion, fullness
VitaminsSupports cell functions

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Pizza Crust

Choosing the right pizza crust can make a big difference in your breakfast pizza experience. Consider health benefits, dietary needs, and convenience when picking a crust.

Whole Grain Options

Whole-grain pizza crusts are a healthier choice. They usually have more fiber than regular crusts, which can help digestion and make you feel full. I often look for crusts from whole wheat or other grains like barley or oats.

Some whole grain crusts are premade and sold in stores. These can be convenient if you are in a hurry. These crusts might be a bit thicker and chewier, which adds a nice texture to your breakfast pizza.

If you prefer to make your own, consider using a mix of different flours. Whole wheat flour, oat flour, or even flaxseed can increase the fiber and nutrients in your crust.

Gluten-Free Alternatives

For those who can’t or prefer not to eat gluten, many gluten-free pizza crust options are available. Some are made from rice flour, almond flour, or even cauliflower. These crusts can be more delicate and may need extra care when handling.

When buying a gluten-free crust, check the labels to ensure no hidden gluten ingredients. Stores often carry premade gluten-free crusts, which can save a lot of prep time.

Homemade gluten-free crusts can be fun to make. They often involve mixing various flours and binders like xanthan gum to get the right texture. I enjoy experimenting with different combinations to find my favorite.

Store-Bought vs. Homemade

Store-bought pizza crusts are incredibly convenient. They save time and often come in several varieties, including whole grain and gluten-free. Brands like Boboli or Udi’s offer some good options. These crusts can be easily stored and used whenever you need them.

Homemade crusts, on the other hand, allow for more customization. You can control the ingredients, thickness, and flavor. Making crusts from scratch might take some extra time, but it can be rewarding. I like experimenting with different herbs and spices in my dough to add flavor.

Table: Comparison of Different Pizza Crusts

TypeConvenienceNutritional ValueVersatility
Whole GrainModerateHighHigh

The proper pizza crust for your breakfast pizza can enhance your meal and fit your dietary preferences or time constraints.

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